We are excited to share the second title in S. C. Biela's spiritual book collection - GOD Alone Suffices. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, readers have shared that they receive new insights and find new applications for its teachings each time they take it off their bookshelf . We hope you will too.
The Way of Imperfection
Paperback or Kindle from Amazon
Paperback or Nook version - Barnes and Noble
The pages of this book will most likely change forever the way you look at holiness. Instead of striving for perfection by our own means and through our willpower, the author introduces us to the way of imperfection; to descend into the heart of one's own poverty to discover God's unconditional love and mercy. God does not love us because we are good, but because He is good."
Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix
Archbishop of Québec and Primate of Canada
Read this endorsement of Gift of Faith by Wilfred Stinissen OCD from the foreword to the Norwegian edition
Faith and the life of faith is something completely different from life void of faith. Faith gives us firm ground and a clear aim for life. It brings sense to every moment of our existence and answers the question of what we are living for in the world. Faith liberates man, leading him to the life of truth.
But in order for faith to be a life-transforming reality, we must agree to our formation and growth in faith, we must accept teaching and guidance. Fr. Tadeusz Dajzer's book creates such an opportunity for us. With great solemnity and expertise, the author, in a simple language, points to us the proper and safe way of faith.
Deeply rooted in the rich and long experience of the faith of the Church, the author, together with Sr. Therese of the Child Jesus and many other saints whom he mentions, is aware that God is the Rock in whom we can trust absolutely.
Father Tadeusz also presents a very well-balanced relationship that should exist between a total entrustment to God's love and a complete involvement on our part. Faith is a full trust and a total abandonment of oneself to God.
"My God, if that is your will, I am ready to die, for I believe that you love me" (p. 38 of the French edition) - "Such deep faith generates saints."
Contemporary people are not satisfied with instructive abstraction about the mysteries of faith. They want to know how can one experience in the midst of life the faith one professes. Here is a challenge for the teachers of faith - a challenge that the author has taken up without great difficulty. There is no doubt he speaks from his experience; that is why his words touch the reader.
For anyone who reads his book with an open heart there is no other choice left. what remains is a YES or NO answer to faith.
I strongly recommend this book. If one learns a lesson from what he reads here, he will be guided inevitably on the way of sanctity. Is there anything more important than following this way?
Rev. Wilfrid Stinissen OCD
The Ascension
The Gift of Faith, 4th Edition
Paperback or Kindle here on Amazon
Paperback or Nook version - Barnes and Noble